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The video Slaughterbots is now two years old, and more than two million people have watched it worldwide. This visual warning against the danger of autonomous weapons is still relevant today, and although protests against such weapons are growing, no official measures have yet been taken to ban autonomous weapons.
What will the workplace of the future look like? What role does AI play? What role do robots play? These questions are answered in UiPath’s Immersion Lab. The lab exists in physical form, but due to the current corona limitations, the experience of hyperautomation can also be undergone completely virtually. Visitors can experience for themselves, for example on the basis of a concrete business case, the advantages of working with a robot. The Rocking Robots team spoke about this with Chief Robotics Officer Boris Krumrey.
The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) market will reach $ 1.89 billion globally by 2021, up 19.5% from this year. Despite the economic damage from the COVID-19 pandemic, the RPA market is expected to continue to grow at double digits through 2024, says research firm Gartner.
Spot, the well-known four-legged robot from Boston Dynamics, is now also for sale in Europe. Commercial sales of Spot had already started in the United States, following a successful Early Adopter program in which a number of companies in both Europe and North America integrated the robot into their operations.
The new edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator has become a visual masterpiece, which is only possible by making smart use of AI, machine learning and the corresponding computing power in the cloud. As a result, the entire world is shown in detailed 3D image, in combination with live weather effects and other air traffic.
Exponential growth from 200 to 2,000 employees is, to put it mildly, a challenge for the Human Resources department. UiPath has experienced this growth recently, and in that process its own Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology has been used to keep that process on the right track.
Businesses are increasingly adopting RPA and other intelligent automation technologies to address the new business and market pressures created by the pandemic. At the same time, they still believe that a people-centered approach is essential to future success at work, according to a study by Forrester Research.
At RPA supplier UiPath, more than 1,700 robots are running and 140 processes are automated with Robotic Process Automation. The Operational Center of Excellence (OcE) must ensure that this runs smoothly. But how do you make an OcE for RPA a success? The Rocking Robots team spoke with Razvan Nutica, Head of Automation CoE & Operation and Costin Genoiu, RPA Delivery Manager, about the lessons they have learned in internal automation. Interestingly enough, even at a company that makes robots, such an automation process is not much different from that of a “regular” company.
Bots & BusinessInternationalPeople in Robotics
Video: “New generation no longer wants to do boring work. Use robots.”
Yesterday, UiPath hosted the webinar RPA for Finance & Accounting: Improving Working Capital Metrics. Speakers included Mihai Faur, Chief Accounting Officer, who was responsible for introducing RPA to UiPath’s finance department: “Young people don’t want to do boring work anymore. Use robots for that “. In this video, Rocking Robots talks about this with him: “If you really want to get started with AI, you must first have your Robotic Process Automation in order”
Bots & BusinessInternationalPeople in Robotics
Video: “So many new ideas, the pipeline is almost impossible to manage”
This morning UiPath organized the webinar RPA for Finance & Accounting: Improving Working Capital Metrics. One of the speakers was Simona Balan, who herself was involved in the introduction of RPA in the finance department of UiPath: “We are our own customer zero”. In this video, Rocking Robots talks to her about this: “If we can do it in such a short time, anyone can do it.”