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Halodi Robotics has signed an agreement to provide 140 humanoid robots to ADT Commercial, a U.S.-based provider of commercial security, fire, life safety and risk consulting services. This announcement is the result of the strategic partnership announced in April 2021 where Halodi Robotics secured an investment from ADT Commercial to develop a robot to complement their physical security solutions.
Walmart Canada is investing more than $118 million to build a new high-tech sortable fulfillment centre. For the first time Walmart Canada will use robotic technology from GreyOrange. This platform will speed up order fulfillment by using an advanced operating system that will help associates store, pick and sort items by using smart and flexible storage abilities to manage a large and wide variety of inventory.
The World Economic Forum has launched a coalition of cities which will work together to make the possibility of advanced and urban aerial mobility a reality. Specialized companies such as Joby Aviation and Volocopter are aiming to have vehicles that will power this revolution in piloted or autonomous flights of four to six passengers ready in a few years. Other traditional aerospace companies such as Airbus and Boeing are also exploring how these new vehicles could support aerial mobility in the future.
Bots & BusinessInternationalSpotlight
AI Summit: ‘Citizen’ develops document handling model for JP Morgan
Banking is a document intense industry. Documents that are not always based on the same format, but need to be handled quickly, such as corporate action notifications. JP Morgan wanted to automate the handling of these document. Enter: RPA and AI. During the AI Summit by UiPath, Frank Chen of JP Morgan explained how non-tech users build and trained the model handling these documents.
The era of the autonomous enterprise is here, says Leslie Joseph, principal analyst at Forrester Research during UiPath’s AI Summit. However, still 81 per cent of all businesses has just taken the first steps in automating their processes. The end game is not just adopting deep learning, but to weave all levels into one. ‘Where humans and digital workers all play their part in the autonomous enterprise’, says Joseph.
In a move to mitigate global risks to the US manufacturing sector, former assistant secretary of defense Hon. Andy Weber joins fast-growing global company group in robotics, Gain & Co and HowToRobot, as they set up office in the U.S.
Bots & BusinessInternational
UiPath founder Daniel Dines says RPA scaling issues ‘not an issue’ with the technology
Last week’s CIOFEST CIO conference included a fireside chat with UiPath founder and CEO Daniel Dines that surfaced an annual 144% customer net retention rate—suggesting customers keep finding new use cases for its software.
Bots in Society
Onderzoek: Verdere digitalisering publieke sector voorwaarde om jong talent te werven
Een meerderheid van besluitvormers bij overheden is van mening dat meer digitalisering nodig is om talent te werven. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek door Citrix onder besluitvormers in de Nederlandse publieke sector. Dat is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan, want volgens de respondenten heeft digitale transformatie nog een lange weg te gaan.
Vrijwel alle onderwijs- en onderzoeksinstellingen hebben hun lesmethode en -inhoud flink aangepast sinds de uitbraak van de coronapandemie. Het onderzoek ‘ How COVID-19 is reshaping campus technology’ toont aan dat het aantal digitale toepassingen binnen een korte tijd enorm is gegroeid. Hoewel een opmerkelijk hoog percentage van de respondenten denkt dat deze veranderingen permanent zijn, zegt slechts de helft van hen klaar te zijn voor deze digitale transformatie. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek door Uit onderzoek door Rackspace Technology.
Bots & BusinessInternationalPeople in RoboticsSpotlight
Business use of holograms is on the brink of breakthrough
“Getting value from data” has been a common mantra in automation for some time. But providing insight into really large amounts of data has always been a problem. Holograms now appear to be ideally suited for this. The Dutch Tekle Holographics has quickly grown into a worldwide forerunner in the field of data visualization with its holographic technology. Following a notable presence at CES this year and partnerships with Nvidia and SAS, organizations from a wide variety of industries are showing interest in the business use of holograms.