Home Bots & Business Mobileye to End Internal Lidar Development

Mobileye to End Internal Lidar Development

by Pieter Werner

Mobileye will cease internal development of next-generation frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) lidar for autonomous and highly automated driving systems. This decision is part of a reassessment of the company’s long-term technology roadmap, concluding that FMCW lidar is no longer crucial for the development of its future “eyes-off” systems. Key factors influencing this decision include significant advances in Mobileye’s EyeQ6-based computer vision perception, improvements in its internally developed imaging radar, and unexpected cost reductions in third-party time-of-flight lidar units.

Despite this move, the decision does not affect any current customer product programs or ongoing product development. Mobileye will maintain its focus on the development of in-house imaging radar, a technology considered strategic for the company’s autonomous driving systems. This radar technology, expected to enter production next year, is seen as a key component in balancing cost and performance while enabling the scalability of Mobileye’s solutions.

The lidar R&D unit will be phased out by the end of 2024, impacting approximately 100 employees. Mobileye expects total operating expenses for the lidar unit to reach around $60 million in 2024, including $5 million for share-based compensation. While this decision is not projected to significantly affect Mobileye’s financial results in 2024, it will reduce future lidar development costs.


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