Home Bots & Business Jamco Group uses DexoryView robots and AI

Jamco Group uses DexoryView robots and AI

by Marco van der Hoeven

Dexory, a data intelligence company, has reported growth in the North American market following its expansion in February 2024. The company has deployed its AI-powered robotics and analysis solution, DexoryView, for clients across six states, with its latest deployment at JAMCO GROUP in Texas, marking its first entry into the state. JAMCO GROUP is utilizing DexoryView’s AI-powered robotics and digital twin technology to enhance operations across its distribution centers.

Todd Boone, Head of North America for Dexory, noted the positive reception of DexoryView in the region. He stated that since the company’s market entry and initial customer deployment in early 2024, several prominent organizations, including JAMCO GROUP, have adopted the technology to gain comprehensive visibility into their operations. Boone emphasized the importance of real-time, holistic data for driving business progress in the modern era.

At its Laredo, Texas distribution center, JAMCO GROUP faced challenges in manually conducting cycle counts across a 400,000-square-foot facility with 26,000 pallet locations, further complicated by racking systems extending to six levels. The manual process, relying on scissor lifts, was time-consuming and prone to errors. Prior to adopting DexoryView, JAMCO GROUP experimented with drone technology but found it inadequate due to battery life limitations and inconsistencies in barcode reading.

Rolando Valdes, Vice President of Information Technology at JAMCO GROUP, highlighted the need for a solution that could deliver accurate data and operate effectively in environments with floor imperfections. Valdes noted that Dexory robots provided robust and durable performance, enabling daily cycle counts to be completed within hours and yielding actionable insights in real time.

The deployment of DexoryView has resulted in significant time savings for JAMCO GROUP, particularly in retrieving goods, which has expedited shipping processes. Additionally, the technology has improved employee safety by eliminating the need for staff to conduct counts at heights, as the robots can scan up to 40 feet.

Dexory’s Co-Founder and CCO&PO, Oana Jinga, commended JAMCO GROUP for its commitment to improving operational efficiency. Jinga stated that DexoryView was chosen for its ability to deliver accurate and actionable data, helping JAMCO GROUP avoid disruptions caused by inaccuracies or time-consuming tasks, allowing the team to focus on more critical business operations.

Dexory, founded in 2015 by three Romanian school friends now based in the UK, specializes in capturing real-time insights into warehouse operations using autonomous robots and AI. The company’s technology is designed to optimize current operations, mitigate future risks, and uncover inefficiencies throughout the warehouse and distribution process.

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