Home Bots in Society ‘AI Crucial to Child’s Future Success’

‘AI Crucial to Child’s Future Success’

by Pieter Werner

A new survey commissioned by Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow program reveals that 88% of U.S. parents of Gen Alpha and Gen Z students believe artificial intelligence (AI) will be crucial to their children’s future education and careers. Conducted by Morning Consult, the survey highlights the growing awareness among parents of AI’s potential in education.

However, it also shows a significant gap in the current school curriculum, with 81% of parents uncertain or believing that AI is not part of their child’s education. This disconnect underscores the need for increased focus on AI literacy and professional development for teachers.

Titled “Future-Proofing Education: How AI is Shaping Learning for Gen Alpha & Gen Z,” the survey polled over 1,000 parents. It found broad support for AI in educational settings, with 69% of respondents optimistic about AI’s role in advancing learning. Many parents see AI’s greatest potential in assisting with content creation, answering questions, simulating real-world scenarios, and providing personalized learning experiences. Yet, only 19% reported that AI is currently being utilized in their child’s school.

The survey highlights the growing interest in AI tools among students, with Generative AI, Robotics, and Computer Vision being the most popular. At the same time, it raises concerns about over-reliance on AI, potential negative impacts on human interaction, and ethical challenges. Seventy percent of parents support the establishment of guidelines for AI education, and 84% stress the importance of teaching AI ethics alongside technical skills.

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow has increased its focus on AI education as part of its broader STEM initiatives. The program encourages students to address local community challenges through innovative STEM projects. Recent examples of AI-driven solutions include a mobility aid for the visually impaired, an AI-powered wildlife detection system, and a robot designed to preserve endangered Indigenous languages. These projects reflect the growing role of AI in shaping real-world solutions and preparing students for future challenges.

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